Dylan Mckenna Workout Routine

Dylan Mckenna is a fitness model and personal trainer from Lexington, Kentucky. He has a fantastic body and an even more amazing workout routine. His regimen is intense, but it’s also efficient. Here are the four components of his program that will help you get fit fast.

Dylan McKenna’s workout routine is one of the best because it is well-balanced. He doesn’t just focus on one area, but he works on all of his muscle groups evenly. This ensures that he stays strong and fit overall, rather than just in one specific area. Additionally, Dylan varies his routine frequently. 

This not only helps to keep his body guessing and prevents boredom, but it also allows him to continue making progress even as he gets closer to his peak physical condition. Finally, Dylan puts a lot of effort into his warm-ups and cool-downs. This helps him avoid injury and gets his body ready for the strenuous activity to come. These factors combine to make Dylan McKenna’s workout routine one of the best.

Dylan Mckenna  believes in the power of movement to transform the body and mind. In his routine, he focuses on alignment, breath, and rhythm to create a safe and effective workout. Dylan believes that gym is for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level. By understanding the principles of workout, his fans can find the right level of challenge for their bodies and minds. As a result, they can experience the benefits of workout, including increased strength, flexibility, and mental clarity. 

Dylan McKenna is an accomplished businessman and fitness coach who has made a significant impact in the world of professional bodybuilding. In addition to his professional success, McKenna is also the owner of several successful businesses, including a supplement company and a fitness apparel line. He is widely respected for his knowledge and expertise, and he frequently speaks at industry events. With his considerable experience and achievements, McKenna is truly a top figure in the world of professional bodybuilding.

Current Stats




80 Kg




March 15, 1998

Body Type



Social Media Personality and Online Coach

Workout Principles

Dylan McKenna, a certified strength and conditioning coach, recommends using the “workout principle” to get the most out of your workout. The principle is simple: do the things you enjoy most, and do them with intensity. This means that if you love running, you should run as often as possible, and if you hate lifting weights, you can skip it altogether. 

The key is to find an activity that you enjoy and to push yourself to do it with as much enthusiasm as possible. For Dylan, this approach has helped him to stay motivated and to avoid burnout. It has also enabled him to see fitness as a fun challenge rather than a chore. As a result, he highly recommends the workout principle for anyone looking to get the most out of their exercise routine.

Workout Routine

Dylan Mckenna is a well-known fitness model and social media star. He is also a certified personal trainer. He use mixed approach to his training which include heavyweights, military presses, drop sets and skull-crushers. Here’s Mckeena workout routine

Monday – Legs

  1. 3 sets and 10 reps in each set of Squats
  2. 4 sets and 12 reps in each set of Leg Press
  3. 3 sets and 12 reps in each set of Leg Extensions 
  4. 3 sets and 12 reps in each set of Hamstring Curls 
  5. 6 sets and 30 reps in each set of Calf Raises 
  6. Lunges till failure 

Tuesday – Push Day

  1.  3 sets and 10 reps in each set of Bench Press 
  2. 3 sets and 10 reps in each set of Barbell Overhead Press 
  3. 3 sets and 10 reps in each set of Weighted Dips 
  4. 3 sets and 10 reps in each set of Dumbbell Side Laterals 
  5. 3 sets and 12 reps in each set of Cable Flyes

Wednesday – Pull day

  1. 3 sets and 1-6 reps in each set of Deadlift 
  2. 3 sets and 8 reps in each set of Pause Squats 
  3. 3 sets and 8-10 reps in each set of Barbell Rows 
  4. 3 sets and 10 reps in each set of Lat Pull Down 
  5. 3 sets and 10 reps in each set of Pull-Ups 
  6. 3 sets and 12 reps in each set of Shrugs 

Thursday- Push Day

  1. 3 sets and 10 reps in each set of CGBP 
  2. 3 sets and 4-8 reps in each set of Push Press 
  3. 3 sets and 10 reps in each set of  Incline Dumbbell Press 
  4. 3 sets and 10 reps in each set of Face Pulls 
  5. 3 sets and 10 reps in each set of Tricep Pushdowns
  6. 3 sets and 8-10 reps in each set of Dumbbell Flyes 

Friday – Pull day

  1. 3 sets and 6-10 reps in each set of Deficit Deadlift
  2. 3 sets and 6-10 reps in each set of Dumbbell Rows 
  3. 3 sets and 8-10 reps in each set of T-Bar Rows
  4. 3 sets and 10 reps in each set of Chin Ups 
  5. 3 sets and 8 reps in each set of Alternating Curls with Dumbbell 
  6. 3 sets and 16 reps in each set of Hammer Curls 

Saturday and Sunday Rest Day

On Saturday and Sunday, Dylan Mckenna rests or does some light cardio such as walking or swimming. He believes that it’s important to take a break from exercise to allow the body to recover and grow stronger.


Here is Dylan McKenna’s diet: 

 1. Breakfast

  • Oatmeal 
  • Eggs 

2. Snack

  • Protein shake 

3. Lunch

  • Ground beef
  • Wheat Pasta 

4. Dinner

  • Cheeseburger 
  • Sweet potatoes 

When it comes to working out, Dylan Mckenna has a particular diet. First and foremost, he makes sure to eat a healthy breakfast. He typically starts his day with oatmeal, eggs, and fruit. For lunch and dinner, he likes to eat lean protein, vegetables, and complex carbs. 

He also keeps hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. In addition to his healthy diet, Dylan supplements his workouts with protein shakes and other supplements. By following this diet and workout routine, Dylan has achieved excellent results. He is in great shape and has a lot of energy – essential for a successful workout routine.


Dylan McKenna is a big fan of supplements. He takes a variety of them every day to help improve his health and vitality. Some of his favorite accessories include

  • omega-3 fish oil
  • vitamin D,
  • green tea extract.

Each of these supplements has unique benefits that Dylan enjoys. For example, the omega-3 fish oil helps to keep his heart healthy and his joints lubricated. 

Vitamin D helps him to maintain strong bones and teeth, while green tea extract provides him with a boost of energy. Dylan believes that taking these supplements has made a big difference in his overall health, and he would recommend them to anyone looking to improve their health. Thanks for asking!


If you’re looking for a well-rounded, intense workout routine that will help you get fit fast, Dylan McKenna’s program is a great option. He focuses on all of his muscle groups, and he frequently varies his routine to keep things interesting. As a fitness model and personal trainer, Dylan knows what it takes to achieve excellent results. So if you’re ready to start seeing severe changes in your physique, give Dylan’s program a try.


Denis is a fitness enthusiast and a passionate fan of any physical activity. From the time he remember himself he working out and improving his body and mentality. Football, Martial Arts, Bodybuilding, Crossfit, Yoga anything that release endorphins into blood is strong "YES" for him. It became an addiction to be in motion. Life motto: "In any life situation and mental state do go workout"