Colin Kaepernick Workout Routine

If you are looking for a way to get motivated and inspired? Check out Colin Kaepernick’s workout routine. This NFL quarterback is known for his impressive athleticism and fitness levels, and you can too achieve these results with some hard work and dedication. So get started on your journey to better health today!

Colin Kaepernick is an inspiration to many people for his dedication to his work, outhaul and discipline. He is a professional football player who has played for the San Francisco ers. Still, he is also known for protesting racial inequality by taking a knee during the National Anthem. Despite the controversy that followed him, he continued to stand up for what he believed in and used his platform to inform others about social injustice. 

His workout routine is intense and requires a lot of discipline, but it has paid off. He is in excellent shape and can withstand the rigours of professional football. For anyone looking to get in shape or improve their fitness, following Colin Kaepernick’s workout routine is a great place to start.

Now, when we’re talking about Colin Kaepernick’s workout dedication, it’s clear he’s all in. And you know what? His net worth reflects that same commitment, with earnings from his football career and impactful ventures keeping his financial game just as strong.

Current Stats




104 kg




3 November 1987

Body Type



American civil rights activist and former football quarterback

Workout Principles

Colin Kaepernick, Super Bowl-winning Quarterback, is known for his incredible arm strength and athleticism. However, what many people don’t know is that his success in the field is also due to his dedication to training and fitness. To maintain his high level of play, Kaepernick follows a rigorous workout routine that includes weightlifting and cardio. 

He also focuses on flexibility and recovery, spending time stretching and foam rolling after each workout. By following these principles, Kaepernick has been able to stay at the top of his game for years. As a result, he is an excellent role model for other athletes looking to improve their performance. By following these principles, you can dramatically improve your chances of achieving your fitness goals.

In addition to weight training, he also maintains an active lifestyle outside the gym, often going for hikes or Bike rides with his dog. As a result of his dedication to fitness, he has built an impressive career and spokesperson for various fitness brands. And although each individual may require a different approach, these principles can provide a strong foundation for anyone looking to get in shape.

Workout Routine

Colin Kaepernick, a professional American football quarterback for the National Football League’s San Francisco 49ers, follows a rigorous workout routine to stay in shape for the season. During the season, he wakes up at 5:00 a.m. and does a quick two-mile jog to warm up his muscles. He then does a series of sprints, cone drills, and agility drills, followed by lifting weights. 

After that, it’s off to meetings and practice. In the off-season, he maintains his cardio by running long-distance and trail runs. He continues doing cone drills, sprints, and agility work three days a week. He lifts weights five days a week, focusing on different muscle groups daily. Colin takes his workout seriously, and it has paid off!

This is his exercise schedule:

Monday – Lower Body

He goes through a fieldwork regimen every Monday.

  1. Lower Body Field Work

Tuesday – Upper Body

He exercises his upper body with a yoga/Pilates regimen on Tuesday.

  1. Pilates
  2. Yoga

Wednesday  – Lower Body

He performs a fieldwork routine on Wednesday.

  1. Lower Body Field Work

Thursday – Upper Body

Kaepernick engages in upper-body MMA/boxing on Thursday.

  1. Upper body boxing and MMA

Friday – Core

He engages in a hill running regimen every Friday.

  1. Lower Body Hill Running

Saturday and Sunday – Rest

For any athlete rest days are  essential for allowing the body to recover and prevent injuries.

This workout routine is just an example of how Colin Kaepernick maintains his fitness. As every individual is different, it’s important to find a workout routine that works for you. However, by following these principles, you can be sure to create a well-rounded routine that will help you reach your fitness goals.

Apart from this,  favorite exercises of Colin Kaepernick are:

  • Leg Deadlifts ( Dumbbell Single )
  • Pulldown ( Rotational )
  • Drills (Bungee Resisted )


By eating nutrient-rich foods throughout the day, he can maintain his energy levels and keep his body looking its best. Colin Kaepernick, the American football quarterback, has to watch his diet very closely.  He also makes sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. This diet allows him to maintain his energy levels and stay in peak physical condition. Colin follows a vegan diet.


Colin Kaepernick, a former professional football quarterback, has particular dietary habits that allow him to perform at his best. One of the critical components of his diet is supplements. Kaepernick consumes various accessories.

  • protein powder,
  • vitamins,
  • minerals,
  • amino acids. 

In an interview, he said:

I take a few different supplements daily. I take a multivitamin to ensure I get all the essential vitamins and minerals my body needs. I also take fish oil supplements for the anti-inflammatory benefits. In addition, I take probiotics to support digestive health and glutamine for muscle recovery. These supplements help me to stay healthy and perform at my best.

These supplements help him to recover from workouts, build muscle, and maintain his energy levels throughout the day. In addition to his carefully selected diet, Kaepernick gets regular massages, gets plenty of sleep, and drinks lots of water. Following this strict routine, he can stay in peak physical condition and perform at his best on the field.


Kaepernick’s workout routine is an excellent example of how to stay fit and healthy. His routine is challenging, but it can be adapted to any fitness level. If you’re looking for a new workout routine, give Colin Kaepernick’s workout a go!

If you’re looking to get ripped like Kaepernick, try his workout routine! It would help if you focused on compound exercises that work for multiple muscle groups simultaneously. His workouts are short but intense – so be prepared to sweat! And don’t forget the importance of cardio – it’s essential for getting shredded abs like Kaepernick’s. Are you ready to give this superstar bodybuilder’s workout routine a try?


Denis is a fitness enthusiast and a passionate fan of any physical activity. From the time he remember himself he working out and improving his body and mentality. Football, Martial Arts, Bodybuilding, Crossfit, Yoga anything that release endorphins into blood is strong "YES" for him. It became an addiction to be in motion. Life motto: "In any life situation and mental state do go workout"