Brandon Carter Workout Routine

Brandon Carter is one of the most well-known fitness personalities on Instagram. His workouts are intense and promise to help you achieve a great body in a short period. But does the Brandon Carter workout routine live up to the hype? Let’s take a closer look.

In the industry, looking fit is vital to landing roles and making a mark on the screen. But for him, it goes beyond just appearances – his commitment to fitness and health has become a way of life. So how does he do it? Check out everything you need to know about his routine and take away the best bits to get a perfect routine for yourself.

It was recently revealed that Brandon Carter, Instagram fitness influencer was using steroids to achieve his stunning physique. While he may have impressive muscle definition and size, it’s essential to consider the potential health risks associated with steroid use. Additionally, his workout routine focuses heavily on weight lifting, with little emphasis on cardiovascular exercise or other types of movement. 

So is his workout routine worth the hype? Ultimately, it comes down to personal preferences and goals. If you’re willing to risk your health for rapid muscle growth and are primarily interested in weight lifting, it might be worth giving Carter’s routine a try. However, there are plenty of other programs out there that focus on overall health and wellness. Choose a workout routine that aligns with your values and priorities your health above all else.

Current Stats




85 kg




15 September 1983

Body Type



Fitness Model

Workout Principles

When it comes to workout principles, Brandon Carter is a guru. A fitness model and personal trainer, Carter emphasises the importance of varying your routine to keep your muscles guessing and prevent plateaus. He also advocates for high-intensity interval training as an efficient way to burn fat and build muscle. In addition, Carter stresses the significance of proper form and taking breaks to avoid injury. These principles have helped him maintain his impressive physique, and he can do the same for anyone willing to commit to a disciplined workout regimen. So listen to what Brandon Carter says – he knows what he’s talking about.

From dynamic warm-ups to post-workout stretches, he make sure not to neglect any aspect of his fitness routine. Thanks to these principles and dedication, he now boasts a superhero body that rivals anyone on screen. His principles have helped him get that perfect body. 

Workout Routine

If you’ve ever watched one of Brandon Carter’s fitness videos, you know that the man means business regarding exercise. His daily workout routine includes strength training, cardio, and flexibility work. He starts with a 15-minute warmup of dynamic stretching and light cardio. 

Then he hits the weights, focusing on compound movements like squats and deadlifts before moving on to isolation exercises for specific muscle groups. After the weight training portion, he finishes with another round of cardio and static stretches for a cool down. It’s clear that consistency and variety are key for Carter – no wonder he looks in such fantastic shape! 

He even makes time for an active hobby like rock climbing or boxing once or twice a week to keep things fresh and challenging. Next time you hit the gym, consider incorporating some of Carter’s tips into your routine for optimal results.

In addition to lifting weights four times a week, he incorporates yoga and pilates into his routine to improve flexibility and balance. However, it’s not just about working out for this star – he also emphasises the importance of fueling his body with nutritious meals, including plenty of protein and greens. His dedication to exercise and nutrition pays off in maintaining his muscular physique.

This is his exercise schedule:

  1. Barbell Squats
  2. TRX Curls
  3. HIIT Cardio on Punch Bag
  4. Barbell Bent-over Rows
  5. Kettlebell Swings
  6. Incline Barbell Presses
  7. Handstand Push-ups
  8. Calisthenics Training
  9. Overhead Presses
  10. TRX Skull crushers
  11. Battle Ropes
  12. T–Bar Rows


When it comes to healthy eating, breakfast is the most important meal of the day for Brandon Carter. By fueling his body with a well-balanced diet, Brandon can stay energised and maintain his fitness goals.

Here is his diet:

1. Breakfast

  • Eggs 
  • Oatmeals

2. Snack 

  • Protein shake

3. Lunch 

  • Bacon 
  • Spinach

4. Dinner 

  • Green salad 
  • Meat of choice 


The fitness influencer Brandon Carter is known for his dedication to healthy eating and exercise. While he does believe in the power of whole foods and a balanced diet, Carter also supplements his nutrition with a few essential products. These include plant protein powder for muscle building and recovery, fish oil for its omega-3 fatty acids, greens powder to boost his intake of veggies, probiotics for gut health, and magnesium to support his immune system and promote relaxation. 

Carter recommends researching before starting any supplement regimen, including consulting healthcare professionals. And, as always, he reminds followers to prioritise whole foods as the foundation of their diet. In this way, supplements can work as an added boost rather than a replaceable substitute.

However, he quickly points out that supplements alone do not make up for a poor diet or a lack of exercise. In an interview, he stressed the importance of finding the right combination that works for your body and listening to your internal cues to reach your fitness goals. So while his supplement choices may be worth trying out, remember that healthy habits should always accompany them.


Brandon Carter’s workout routine is worth the hype. The program includes a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups. This combination helps to build overall strength and muscle mass while preventing injuries.So, if you’re looking to get in shape like Carter, be sure to add some variety to your routine.


Denis is a fitness enthusiast and a passionate fan of any physical activity. From the time he remember himself he working out and improving his body and mentality. Football, Martial Arts, Bodybuilding, Crossfit, Yoga anything that release endorphins into blood is strong "YES" for him. It became an addiction to be in motion. Life motto: "In any life situation and mental state do go workout"